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Each year clubs must complete CSI's Annual Renewal Process to remain active for the upcoming school year. The renewal process is in 3 Phases: Re-Register, Onboard, and Engage.  

Re-Register Your Club on Engage


  • Login to Engage using your AU credentials 

  • Find the square box in the top right-hand corner and click “Manage”

  • Choose your organization and click “Re-Register this Organization”

  • Complete the following:

    1. Review the following Web tutorials:

      1. Introduction to ENGAGE

      2. Building and Managing Your Organization's Roster

    2. Confirm or Update the following information:

      1. Club Constitution

      2. Club logo/image

      3. Club email and Student Primary Contact

      4. Club Executive Board with required positions to the roster (using address)

        1. President

        2. Treasurer

        3. 25live Space Requester

        4. ***New Member Educator (FSL & Professional Greek-lettered chapters)

      5. Add and/or Confirm Club Faculty/Staff Advisor to the roster


Check out this tutorial if you need help!

Complete the On-Boarding Trainings

To prepare you for the virtual semester, clubs are required to attend 2 trainings. Please have 3 members from your group attend one session. Go to Engage to RSVP!


Annual Renewal Notice (6).png

Participate in Engagement Events

The Student Involvement Fair is an example of a great way for people to get to know your club/organization Take a look at this year's Student Involvement Fair!

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