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Who is my Club Consultant?

Each recognized club is assigned a specific Club Consultant. Please check your emails at the beginning of the semester to see who your Club Consultant is. 

Where is the list of all the current clubs?

All recognized clubs can be found on Engage, CSI's club content management system. If you are an AU student, you can login with your AU ID and password. Click here to go to Engage.

I want to start a new club on campus. What is the process for that?

The Center for Student Involvement is responsible for the New Club Recognition Process. New Club Registration happens each semester. For direct questions, reach out to the Center for Student Involvement at

​We received funding from AUCC last semester but didn’t get to spend it. Can we spend it this year?

All unused funds allocated by AUCC are recalled back to AUCC. For information about our funding process this year, check out the 'Funding' section on this website.

Will my club be able to do in-person events this semester?

Yes, events can be held in-person as well as virtual or hybrid this semester.

How do I submit a budget request?

There are a few resources at a club's disposal.

1. CSI's YouTube page contains many helpful videos about Engage.

2. Reach out to your Club Consultant. They will walk you through the process.

Will the AUCC office be open?

Our office hours are Monday - Friday from 10:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M.  

Will you still be offering printing, storage, and supplies?

Yes, you must contact your club consultant before hand to request printing, storage, and supplies. 

What is the difference between the revenue and allocation accounts?

While this is a question more suited for Center for Student Involvement, we do get it a lot. The easiest answer is that your revenue account holds funds that you earned by yourself (without AUCC help). These funds can be used for may things, but you will still need to go through CSI to access them. Your allocation account holds the funds provided by AUCC. These funds are restricted to only be used for the purposes originally stated in your budget request. Using allocation funds for any other reason than your initial request could result in your organization no longer being able to access AUCC resources. You can view your financial account on Engage, under "Finances."

I believe that my allocation decision was made in error. What can I do?

Allocation decisions are made based on the funding principles and rubric found under the Funding Principles tab. The members of AUCC take an unbiased approach to decision-making, focusing on your organization's engagement, collaboration, and financial responsibility.


If you feel that your allocation decision was incorrect, and/or you wish to request more funding than was allocated you are encouraged to complete an allocation appeal


In order to receive more funding through an appeal, you will need to demonstrate that you have taken steps to address any comments, concerns, or suggestions AUCC provided on your allocation award notice and make a case for why your organization needs and deserves additional funding.

Why is my allocation amount different from my requested amount?

Oftentimes, allocation amounts vary from the request submitted. For major discrepancies reasoning will be provided in your allocation decision letter. For minor discrepancies, it is often tax and/or shipping and handling. 

Why was my request denied and/or less than requested? We followed both the rubric and the funding principles.

Unfortunately, AUCC is confined by a limited budget that serves almost 200 student organizations on campus. We therefore must reserve the right to deny funding on a case by case basis. Additionally, allocation amounts are given on a first come, first serve basis. Please refer to the How Much Do We Have page to see what funding we have left to distribute.

Last week my club had an event that we had to pay for out of pocket. Can we get reimbursed?

AUCC does not provide reimbursement under any circumstance. We ask that student organizations please submit allocations in a timely manner to prevent issues such as paying out of pocket. In very rare circumstance, such as a malfunctioning p-card, student activities may be able to provide a reimbursement. Reimbursements from student activities are made on a case by case basis, and student activities reserves the right to deny any reimbursement requests. 

Why was my request for plates, cups, silverware, or napkins denied?

AUCC will provide plates, cups, silverware, and napkins from our office to any club that requests them. Therefore, we do not fund requests that ask to buy any of the above-listed items. Please stop by our office to request supplies. For large requests please email

Contact us:   /  American University  /  Mary Graydon Center 320

Monday-Friday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

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