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Who is my Club Consultant?

What do Club Consultants do?


Your club consultant is your first point of contact with AUCC. They review all allocation requests, make funding decisions, advocate for the club program and/or idea within their cohort when presenting it to the remainder of AUCC for final decisions regarding funding, provide support, advice, resources for clubs as they begin planning programs (information on funding, advice on event planning/marketing/outreach/any general concerns), and facilitate conversations around co-sponsorship.


All recognized student clubs are assigned a specific Club Consultant. You can reach them via email at


Below is a list of each club's Club Consultant. Your AUCC Club Consultant is your club's main point of contact. Club leaders are able to reach out to their Club Consultant at When contacting your Club Consultant, please make sure to include their name in the subject line.







  • National Society of Collegiate Scholars

  • Psychology Club

  • Public Health Association at AU

  • Public Relations Student Society of America

  • Revolution: The AU Fashion Society

  • SACNAS Chapter at American University

  • Sports Business Association @ AU

  • The Bolin Scholars Society

  • The Consulting Club at AU

  • The International Relations Society

  • The Pericles Institute at American University

  • The Women's Network

  • Undergraduate Women in Business

  • Underrepresented Students in STEM

  • Business Law Society

  • Society for Human Resource Management - AU Chapter

  • Kogod Private Equity & Venture Capital Club

  • Adoptee Alliance

  • Albanian Cultural Club

  • Arabic Club

  • Asian American Student Union

  • Black Student Union

  • Brave Spaces: Intersectional Collective of BIPoC Students at AU

  • Brazilian Student Association at American University (BRASA AU)

  • Chinese Students and Scholars Association

  • German Language and Culture Club

  • Greek and Cypriot Student Association

  • Hawai'i Club

  • Iranian Student Association

  • Italian Cultural Society of American University

  • Korean International Scholar Association

  • Latinos En Acción

  • Mexican Club at American University

  • Middle Eastern/North African Club

  • Multicultural Student Union

  • Project Pengyou



  • Korean Student Association

  • Active Minds at American University

  • American Civil Liberties Union of the District of Columbia at American University

  • Animal Rights Coalition of American University

  • Best Buddies @ AU

  • Black Girls Vote: AU

  • CannaClub

  • Climate Reality Campus Corps: AU Chapter

  • Days for Girls at AU

  • Disabled Student Union at American University

  • Equality Onward AU

  • First-Generation Student Union (FGSU)

  • IGNITE American University Chapter

  • It's On Us At American University

  • Leading Women of Tomorrow AU

  • Lumin-us AU

  • Network of enlightened Women

  • OneLove at AU

  • PRIDE at AU

  • Students for a Just Society

  • Students for Justice in Palestine

  • Students For Reproductive Justice

  • Students Supporting Israel at American University

  • Students Supporting Ukraine

  • The Eating Disorder Support Club

  • The Petey Greene Program at American University

  • Voters of AU

  • Wonk Trade AU

  • No More Chapter at American University

  • Overdose Prevention Practices for Students

  • Plant Futures at American University

  • Baha'i Club AU

  • Catholic Student Association

  • Chabad Student Club at AU

  • Cru Student Club at AU

  • Hindu Students Association

  • Interfaith Club

  • Jewish Student Association

  • Orthodox Christian Fellowship At American University

  • Sikh Students Association

  • United Methodist Student Association

  • African Students' Organization

  • League of United Latin American Citizens: American University



  • South Asian Student Association

  • Amnesty International American University

  • Bipartisan Group of American University

  • College Democrats @AU

  • College Republicans at American University

  • J Street U at American University

  • March for Our Lives at American University

  • Progressive Policy Initiative

  • Students for Liberty at American University

  • Sunrise Movement at AU

  • The Alexander Hamilton Society

  • The American Agora

  • Young Democratic Socialists of America at American University

  • Art Club at American University

  • Beekeeping Society at American University

  • Birders of American University

  • Bookworms @ AU

  • Chimera Zine Collective

  • Comic Book Club

  • Creative Writing Club

  • Crochet Club

  • Gamers at AU

  • Girls Who Game

  • MAKERS at AU

  • Mindfulness & Meditation Club

  • Outdoors Club at American University

  • Patch Notes

  • Philosophy Club at AU

  • Pop Culture Club

  • Skateboarding Club at AU

  • Stitches at American University

  • Student Historical Society

  • Student Organ Donation Advocates @ American University

  • The Anime Society

  • Women in Science

  • Chess Club at AU

  • The Rolling Scones; Baking Club @ AU



  • Alpha Kappa Psi

  • Phi Delta Epsilon

  • Phi Sigma Pi

  • Bailemos AU

  • Agni AU Dance Team

  • Always Underwhelming Improv

  • American Bhangra Crew

  • AU in Motion

  • Audio Engineering Society

  • Black Arts Collective

  • Dime a Dozen

  • District Cinema Society

  • Gospel Choir at American University

  • K-District (AU K-Pop Dance Team)

  • On A Sensual Note

  • Pitches Be Trippin' A Cappella

  • Quills and Capes

  • Rude Mechanicals of The American University

  • Screenwriters @ AU

  • Studio 154 Players

  • Treble in Paradise

  • Women In Audio

  • Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity

  • Mu Beta Psi National Honorary Musical Fraternity (ΜΒΨ)

  • Circle K International

  • AU Body Neutrality Coalition

  • Consult Your Community American University

  • EagleTHON at American University

  • Food Recovery Network AU

  • Gift of Life AU

  • PeaceJam Club at American University

  • Special Olympics Chapter at American University

  • Students Against Food Insecurity

  • Students for Service

  • The Community Garden at American University

  • Les Coeurs D'Afrique (AU African Dance Team)



  • Caribbean Circle

  • Robotics Club @ AU

  • Pre-Dental Club at AU

  • Ethiopian and Eritrean Student Association at American University

  • Advocates for Underrepresented People in Law

  • Ascend AU

  • Asian Networks Association

  • Association for Computing Machinery

  • Bio Club @ AU

  • BRAIN (Bringing Research And Interest in Neuroscience) at American University


  • Cadets at AU

  • Debate Society at American University

  • Design Club at AU

  • Entrepreneurship Club at American University

  • Financial Management Association

  • Girls Who Code College Loop at American University

  • HOSA: Future Health Professionals at AU

  • Kogod Sustainability Club

  • Marketing Association at American University

  • Mock Trial @ AU

  • Muslim Professionals Association

  • Muslim Student Assocation

  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, American University Chapter

  • Philippine-American Coalition

  • Puerto Rican Student Organization

  • Saudi Students Association

  • Sister Sister

  • Southeast Asia Student Network

  • Student Association for Slavic Studies

  • The Native American Indigenous Student Association

  • Turkic Cultural Club of American University

  • Turkish Cultural Club

  • Vietnamese Student Association at AU

  • ZARON: Student Research Institute on the Asia-Pacific

  • Japanese Cultural Exchange

Contact us:   /  American University  /  Mary Graydon Center 274

Monday-Friday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

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